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Taxal and Fernilee CE Primary School

Please click on the pictures below to see what the children have been doing in class:



SLIDESHOW_{3775}Slideshow: Class 1 Spring Walk

Class 1 enjoyed the sunshine whilst hunting for signs spring. We found daffodils, primroses, leaf buds and catkins. We saw birds and their nests and even some bees enjoying the early blossom on the trees.

SLIDESHOW_{3653}Slideshow: Class 1 Dissecting Owl Pellets



Class 1

 Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas. The children have returned and have had a lovely start to the year. In year 1 we have a big focus on reading. Children will have a reading book sent home which is matched to their current fluency level. You can also access the book they are reading in class by following this link here: Home - Collins Hub. In our maths lessons, we are focusing on learning our numbers and counting to 100 this term. There are lots of songs that you can sing at home with your child to help them learn to count. Here are some links you might like to have a look at: 

 Let's Get Fit | Count to 100 by 1's | 100 Days of School Song | Counting to 100 | Jack Hartmann (

Big Numbers Song | Count to 100 Song | The Singing Walrus (

If you would like to chat to any of the Year 1 staff, please don't hesitate to contact us to arrange a meeting.

Mrs Butler, Mrs Kavanagh, Mrs Green and Mrs Tailby



 Upcoming Trips and Productions


 Homework tasks                


Please read with your child as often as possible.








Year 1 Enrichment

Autumn 2022