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Taxal and Fernilee CE Primary School

School Uniform

We strongly believe that wearing school uniform gives children a sense of pride and belonging within the school community. Parents are asked to ensure that their children come to school smartly dressed with suitable footwear and a waterproof coat. It is a great help if infant children wear clothes that they can manage themselves as far as possible.

We recommend that all children’s clothes and equipment, including PE kit, shoes, coats, water bottles, bags and even Wellingtons are clearly marked with their names as this will help us to reunite lost items with your child. Embroidered or printed name tapes can be attached, or alternatively you can just use a laundry marker on the label.


  • Grey school trousers, skirt or pinafore (winter)
    • or Shorts or red checked / striped dresses can be worn in summer
  • Maroon sweatshirt/cardigan
  • White polo shirt
  • Black school shoes – NO TRAINERS

Outdoor shower-proof fleeces with the school logo on are also available (optional).

Children should also have a waterproof coat or jacket and a sun hat in the summer.

PE kit

All children need black PE shorts (cotton please - no shiny fabrics), a white T-shirt (football shirts are not suitable and could cause divisions between rival teams!) for indoor PE.

Trainers are needed for outdoor games and athletics lessons.

Suitable outdoor PE clothes will be needed for the winter months, for example a tracksuit &/or sweatshirt.

PE kits should be kept in school during the week and we have found a named drawstring bag to be the best way of storing these items. It is very helpful if the bag is named on the outside please, as children can then find their bag much more quickly.


Bookbags are available to purchase from the school office. For KS2 children, there is also an option of a shoulder bag.